Mastering Migraine Management
A holistic approach to controlling migraines.
Migraine management at Susannah King Physiotherapy involves a personalised, comprehensive strategy aimed at reducing the frequency and severity of migraines. By focusing on triggers, lifestyle adjustments and preventative techniques, I guide you towards a life less interrupted by migraines. The approach not only aims to alleviate the immediate discomfort but also empowers you with strategies for long-term relief, ensuring migraines no longer dictate the rhythm of your days.
Migraine Management
Head pain is all encompassing and can sometimes be challenging to manage especially once you get on the spiral of mediation dependancy. Susannah is a specialist in Migraine and Headache management. She will take an extensive history and will formulate a plan of action to put you in control of your head pain. Treatment may also address posture, ergonomics, and your musculoskeletal system - all of which may be triggering and contributing to your headaches/migraines.
Susannah King
Book NowSusannah King Physiotherapy
Long House Monks Way, 2 Monkville AvenueTemple Fortune, London
NW11 0AH View Staff & Treatments